April 18, 2024
Reading time: 4 minutes, 2 seconds

当西佐治亚大学的学生里斯·斯科特去卡罗尔顿上班时 Chick-fil-A (CFA) on South Park Street, 迎接她的是一只牛纹狼——这是两个品牌的结合,也是伙伴关系对社区产生深远影响的切实证据.

From left to right: David Daniels, Carrollton Chick-fil-A owner/operator; Ilona Kish, 博彩平台推荐 student-artist; Reese Scott, 博彩平台推荐 student-artist; Leah Jackson, 博彩平台推荐 student-artist; Dr. Brendan Kelly, 博彩平台推荐 president; and Brandy Barker, 博彩平台推荐 faculty and executive director for creative services.
From left to right: David Daniels, Carrollton Chick-fil-A owner/operator; Ilona Kish, 博彩平台推荐 student-artist; Reese Scott, 博彩平台推荐 student-artist; Leah Jackson, 博彩平台推荐 student-artist; Dr. Brendan Kelly, 博彩平台推荐 president; and Brandy Barker, 博彩平台推荐 faculty and executive director for creative services.

Scott was part of a four-person, 由学生领导的美术师团队,他们将CFA Wolf从概念到创作视为一项任务 College of Arts, Culture and Scientific Inquiry faculty member Brandy Barker’s Art as Business class. 同时,巴克班上的学生与来自美国的学生合作 Carroll County Schools (CCS)制作了一只狼,现在安装在该学区的墙上 Performing Arts Center.

“很多美工都有很棒的想法,也很有才华,但缺乏与客户合作的经验和项目管理技能,” said Barker, 谁还兼任博彩平台推荐的创意服务执行总监. “这些学生从头到尾致力于这个项目,让他们全面了解了作为艺术企业家为客户工作的情况.”

在准备向校园和社区领导展示的过程中,他们提出了两种不同的设计方案, such as 博彩平台推荐 President Dr. 布伦丹·凯利和卡罗尔顿是福来鸡的老板兼经营者大卫·丹尼尔斯.


“Dr. 凯利和他的团队在与社区领袖和企业建立联系方面做得非常出色,” he added. “我非常欣赏在当地社区建立关系的意图,因为博彩平台推荐希望在西乔治亚州相互支持. 这只狼是博彩平台推荐与我深爱的强大品牌合作的卓越象征, Chick-fil-A. 我很荣幸能有这么多博彩平台推荐的学生加入我的团队. We look forward to the continued relationship in the coming years. In the meantime, Go West and eat more chicken!”

Chick-fil-A cow mascot stands with wolf

The students, 凯利和巴克与一群社区成员和福来鸡的工作人员一起, 卡罗尔县学校和博彩平台推荐本周早些时候正式为新狼剪彩.

A marketing 少校,斯科特很擅长从商业的角度来处理这个项目. 

“With something as public as CFA and 博彩平台推荐, 看看博彩平台推荐在艺术和商业方面所经历的步骤是很有趣的,” shared Scott, a Newnan native. “它展示了这些项目是如何准备的,以及艺术是如何在现实世界中培养的,就截止日期和实际博彩平台推荐而言. 我坚信,不仅要教授定义和理论,还要走出去做项目. This class has let me shine in those aspects. 如果没有这门课,我就不会有那么多的机会.”

Barker said that’s par for the course when it comes to being a first-choice university – designing distinctive, 世界一流的课堂内外体验,在毕业前启动或推进每个学生的职业生涯. For students in this project, that meant understanding there was a loose timeline, an ideal deadline, and many steps along the way that required flexibility.

“能够收到反馈的重要性——同时不把它当作针对个人的——并将这些信息运用到你的设计中是不可低估的,” Barker explained. “这些雕像结合了博彩平台推荐的品牌和博彩平台推荐在社区各地的标志性场所的存在,每天都有成千上万的人去那里, 知道社区和博彩平台推荐的机构之间有合作的努力.”

From left to right: Brandy Barker, 博彩平台推荐 faculty and executive director for creative services; Ryan Lamfers, 博彩平台推荐 senior lecturer of art: sculpture and foundations;  Vanessa Benefield, student; Dr. Brendan Kelly, 博彩平台推荐 president; Scott Cowart, Carroll County Schools superintendent; Brianna Henry, student; Bryant Turner, Board of Education chairman; Charity Aaron, CCS director of partnerships and communication; and Lawana Knight, BOE member.
From left to right: Brandy Barker, 博彩平台推荐 faculty and executive director for creative services; Ryan Lamfers, 博彩平台推荐 senior lecturer of art: sculpture and foundations;  Vanessa Benefield, student; Dr. Brendan Kelly, 博彩平台推荐 president; Scott Cowart, Carroll County Schools superintendent; Brianna Henry, student; Bryant Turner, Board of Education chairman; Charity Aaron, CCS director of partnerships and communication; and Lawana Knight, BOE member.

与CFA作品同一天揭幕的另一具象征意义的狼雕像现在居住在CCS表演艺术中心. This project, in a joint effort of young artists, 是由一群CCS学生设计和绘制的,他们在整个过程中与博彩平台推荐学生一起工作. 校长斯科特·考特说,这是两个教育强国之间合作关系的动态代表.

博彩平台推荐的合作已经发展成为一种关系,在博彩平台推荐的社区中建立终身学习者,” Cowart said. “From our youngest students through high school, 从实习教师到拥有研究生学位的教师和管理人员, 博彩平台推荐的学生在博彩平台推荐表演,他们的学生在博彩平台推荐的表演艺术中心表演, 博彩平台推荐还没有找到博彩平台推荐共同努力所能完成的目标. 博彩平台推荐的学生在西乔治亚州的狼身上烙上了卡罗尔县的印记, 博彩平台推荐很自豪能够以这种全新的艺术视觉方式展示博彩平台推荐充满活力的伙伴关系.”

Art major and 博彩平台推荐 social media ambassador Ilona Kish, a sophomore from Austell, 解释这些项目如何帮助博彩平台推荐为艺术家.

“从这次经历中,我学到了很多普通任务无法教会我的东西——如何专业地表达想法, how to set up a timeline and how to adjust and adapt easily,” she concluded. “对艺术家来说,没有什么比与现实世界的客户合作更有益的了.”

photography by Miranda Daniel